Syllabus - Python Fullstack
Syllabus for Front End
- What Is HTML
- Why and Where to use HTML
- Examples
- Headings
- Elements
- Paragraph
- Fonts
- Formatting
- Tables
- Lists
- Classes
- ID
- File Paths
- Head
- Layout
- Links and URL encoder
- Images
- Doctypes
- Basic Form and examples
- Form Elements
- Iframes
- JavaScript
- Validate Form fields
- Responsive
- Introduction
- What is the difference between HTML4 and HTML5
- Advantages and Browser Support
- Page encoding
- HTML5 Mark-up
- Developer tools
- Canvas and SVG
- Audio and video tags
- Media Tags
- Object
- Plug-ins
- Geolocation
- Drag and drop
- Web storage
- What is CSS
- Types of CSS
- Advantages of CSS
- Example
- Colors, Backgrounds, Borders and Margins
- Text, Fonts, Icons
- Position, overflow and Float
- Alignment
- Padding
- Pseudo class and element
- Form styling
- Page Styling
- Styling Tables, Links and Lists
- Gradients
- Animation
- 2d and 3d Transforms
- Flex box
- Grid
- How Our Code Is Executed: JavaScript Parsers and Engines
- Variables and Data Types
- Variable mutation and Type Coercion
- Boolean Logic
- CharAt()
- CharCode(){Unicode}
- Concat()
- Repeat()
- Includes()
- Match()
- Replace()
- Search()
- Shift & Unshift
- Push
- Pop
- Splice
- Slice
- Concat
- Array methods
- Array sort
- Array iteration
- If/else Statements
- Loops and iteration
- Exception handling(try, catch, finally, throw)
- Objects introduction
- Objects and properties
- Objects and methods
- Basic operators introduction
- Logical and Bitwise operators
- Ternary operators
- Function definition and parameters
- Function invocation
- Function call and apply
- Function closures
- Onclick
- Onchange
- Onmouseover
- Onmouseout
- Onkeydown
- Onload
- Event Listener (one time)
- Add Event Listener (multiples)
- Execution Contexts and the Execution Stack
- Execution Contexts in Detail: Creation and Execution Phases and Hoisting
- Hoisting in Practice
- Scoping and the Scope Chain
- The ‘this’ Keyword
- The ‘this’ Keyword in Practice
- Intro
- Methods
- Document object
- Elements
- Window
- Screen
- Location
- History
- Navigator
- Popup Alert
- Timing
- Cookies
- Events
- Introduction Json
- What is Json
- Json vs XML
- JSON Example
- JSON object
- JSON Array
- Ajax introduction
- Ajax XMLHttp
- Request & Response
- Ajax XML file
- Ajax application and example
- Origins of React
- js Syntax
- Overview of JSX and why you should use it
- Getting hold of everything you need to start coding
- React component Properties
- Setting Properties
- Component Lifecycle
- Updating Components
- Writing your first React.js component
- Mounting Components
- Expressions & Attributes
- JSX Basics
- Namespaced Components
- Rendering HTML
- Rendering React Components
- Views & Controller-Views
- Flux is not MVC!
- Data Flow
- Action, Dispatcher, Store & View
- Flux Application Architecture
- Structure
- Key Events
- Event Pooling
- js Event Handlers
- Synthetic Event
- Keeping components stateless
- Event Delegation
- React Stateful Components
- Auto binding
- Gulp & Browserify
- React with jQuery
- React & AJAX
- Httpster
- Npm
Syllabus for Back End
An Introduction to Python
- What can Python do?
- Why Python?
- Good to know
- Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
- Python Install
Beginning Python Basics
- The print statement
- Comments
- Python Data Structures & Data Types
- String Operations in Python
- Simple Input & Output
- Simple Output Formatting
- Operators in python
Python Program Flow
- Indentation
- The while loop
- The for loop
- The range statement
- Break &Continue
- Assert
- Examples for looping
Functions& Modules
- Create your own functions
- Functions Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Scope of a Function
- Function Documentation
- Lambda Functions& map
- n Exercise with functions
- Create a Module
- Standard Modules
Exceptions Handling
- Errors
- Exception handling with try
- handling Multiple Exceptions
- Writing your own Exception
File Handling
- File handling Modes
- Reading Files
- Writing& Appending to Files
- Handling File Exceptions
- The with statement
Classes In Python
- New Style Classes
- Creating Classes
- Instance Methods
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
Generators and iterators
- Iterators
- Generators
- The Functions any and all
- With Statement
- Data Compression
Data Structures
- List Comprehensions
- Nested List Comprehensions
- Dictionary Comprehensions
- Functions
- Default Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Specialized Sorts
- namedtuple()
- deque
- ChainMap
- Counter
- OrderedDict
- default dict
- UserDict
- UserList
- user string
Writing GUIs in Python (Tkinter)
- Introduction
- Components and Events
- An Example GUI
- The root Component
- Adding a Button
- Entry Widgets
- Text Widgets
- Check buttons
Python SQL Database Access
- Introduction
- Installation
- DB Connection
- Creating DB Table
- COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
- handling Errors
Network Programming
- Introduction
- A Daytime Server
- Clients and Servers
- The Client Program
- The Server Program
Date and Time
- sleep
- Program execution time
- more methods on date/time
- Few more topics in-detailed
- Filter
- Map
- Reduce
- Decorators
- Frozen set
- Collections
- Regular expression
- Split
- Working with special characters, date, emails
- Quantifiers
- Match and find all
- character sequence and substitute
Introduction to Oracle Database
- List the features of Oracle Database 11g
- Discuss the basic design, theoretical, and physical aspects of a relational database
- Categorize the different types of SQL statements
- Describe the data set used by the course
- Log on to the database using SQL Developer environment
- Save queries to files and use script files in SQL Developer
Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
- List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
- Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement
- Select All Columns
- Select Specific Columns
- Use Column Heading Defaults
- Use Arithmetic Operators
- Understand Operator Precedence
- Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure
Learn to Restrict and Sort Data
- Write queries that contain a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved
- List the comparison operators and logical operators that are used in a WHERE clause
- Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators
- Use character string literals in the WHERE clause
- Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the output of a SELECT statement
- Sort output in descending and ascending order
Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
- Describe the differences between single row and multiple row functions
- Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
- Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions
- Perform arithmetic with date data
- Manipulate dates with the DATE functions
Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
- Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
- Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
- Nest multiple functions
- Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data
- Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement
Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions
- Use the aggregation functions in SELECT statements to produce meaningful reports
- Divide the data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause
- Exclude groups of date by using the HAVING clause
Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins
- Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table
- View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins
- Join a table by using a self join
Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries
- Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve
- Define sub-queries
- List the types of sub-queries
- Write single-row and multiple-row sub-queries
The SET Operators
- Describe the SET operators
- Use a SET operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
- Control the order of rows returned
Data Manipulation Statements
- Describe each DML statement
- Insert rows into a table
- Change rows in a table by the UPDATE statement
- Delete rows from a table with the DELETE statement
- Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
- Explain read consistency
Use of DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
- Categorize the main database objects
- Review the table structure
- List the data types available for columns
- Create a simple table
- Decipher how constraints can be created at table creation
- Describe how schema objects work
Other Schema Objects
- Create a simple and complex view
- Retrieve data from views
- Create, maintain, and use sequences
- Create and maintain indexes
- Create private and public synonyms
Control User Access
- Differentiate system privileges from object privileges
- Create Users
- Grant System Privileges
- Create and Grant Privileges to a Role
- Change Your Password
- Grant Object Privileges
- How to pass on privileges?
- Revoke Object Privileges
Management of Schema Objects
- Add, Modify and Drop a Column
- Add, Drop and Defer a Constraint
- How to enable and disable a Constraint?
- Create and Remove Indexes
- Create a Function-Based Index
- Perform Flashback Operations
- Create an External Table by Using ORACLE_LOADER and by Using ORACLE_DATAPUMP
- Query External Tables
Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views
- Explain the data dictionary
- Use the Dictionary Views
- Table and Column Information
- Query the dictionary views for constraint information
- Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index and synonym information
- Add a comment to a table
- Query the dictionary views for comment information
Manipulate Large Data Sets
- Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data
- Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source
- Insert Using a Subquery as a Target
- Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements
- List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements
- Use Multitable INSERT Statements
- Merge rows in a table
- Track Changes in Data over a period of time
Data Management in Different Time Zones
- Time Zones
- Difference between DATE and TIMESTAMP
- INTERVAL Data Types
Retrieve Data Using Sub-queries
- Multiple-Column Subqueries
- Pairwise and Nonpairwise Comparison
- Scalar Subquery Expressions
- Solve problems with Correlated Subqueries
- Update and Delete Rows Using Correlated Subqueries
- The EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators
- Invoke the WITH clause
- The Recursive WITH clause
Regular Expression Support
- Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL
- Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions
- Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function
- Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function
- Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function
- Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function
- Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support